Today’s Marking – School of Love

Your Life School is your operating system, the over-arching energy of your life, the filter through which you experience life and make many decisions. Your school identifies some of your natural talents and skills, as well as some of the learning, or training, you need in order to fulfill your purpose.

The School of Love, referred to as The Path of the Heart, requires 6 or more loop fingerprints. It is the school that more people are in than all the other three schools (Service, Peace, Wisdom) combined. One of our human conditions? Maybe so…

Below is what a loop fingerprint looks like…whether on your finger or in your palm. They literally look like a nesting of shoelace loops.

I am in 2 schools, Love and Service. Here is how I and many others experience the School of Love:

Oh my gosh I love meeting people, connecting with them, and connecting them together! I love creating community, bringing groups together for connection, learning, bonding, contribution, support, and service. I am all about love, I have a huge heart, and I hurt and feel sad if I feel offended or someone pulling away from me. I’ve worked on that, and my pain is certainly less than it has been. Before my hand analysis and learning about the Student Path of this school, I would hang onto people and relationships even if they weren’t healthy for me, because it hurt to see them go. It felt like I was losing love, losing a part of me. And that is one of the main ways the Student path shows up…fear of loss of love.

Sometimes it still feels that way, but at least now I don’t dwell on it as long. And if I sense that someone will be challenging for me, or drain my energy, I try to watch my boundaries and keep my distance. Wow does that feel empowering and self-respecting! And at the same time, yes it’s also scary at first but that fades quickly.

Self-love is the bottom line of the School of Love. So what I try to do when I come to a decision point about most things…and I’m successful at least half the time, ha…(remember no one can be on the Master Path of any marking 100% of the time) is choose the fork in the road that demonstrates to me the most self-love.

Expressing my emotional truth is the biggie for me, sometimes difficult for me to do because I don’t like conflict, don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, or risk losing their love or friendship. It’s very important to speak up when we are angry or hurt. Again, I’ve made great strides in practicing this form of self-love in the last few years. And, I’ve still got work to do and always will be improving.

The other common student path behavior I deal with is stuffing my feelings. Yucky feelings – like regret, sadness, grief, anger, rejection, disappointment, resentment – are just that, yucky! So it’s easy for us Love people to pop out of our emotions and go into our thoughts…out of our hearts and into our minds…to avoid feeling them. Or shove them down and ignore them. But they need to be felt and processed, otherwise they will come back again and again. When we think about those feelings, it seems like we are dealing with them, but we truly are not, they must be felt in the heart and processed, not just analyzed, to heal them.

If much of this resonates with you, you are likely, like 80-85% of people, in the School of Love. Are you working on your student paths like I am trying to do? Are you: speaking up, allowing yourself to actually feel those emotions, being vulnerable, seeking connection and intimacy, building relationships and intimacy? You will be happier and more powerful if you are!



A between-the-ears shot, during a ride on Scarlett in Belmar Park. No leaves or green, it being winter, but I still love it! We’re not on the horse trail here, but out in the native grass (shhh don’t tell) feeling free and blessed!



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Jayne was a guest on The Happy Lyon podcast
Cracking the Code: The Life-Changing Power of Hand Analysis.
Listen here.


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