Client Proclamation

I am so honored to have the opportunity to partner with my amazing clients and play a role in the powerful unfolding of their on-purpose futures. Below are a few characteristics many of them have in common…


  1. My clients want to step out into the world with their unique mission and work. They may not be clear on what that work is, but they know at some level that it’s important. Some have gone through several types of personal growth modalities, some have worked with other life or purpose coaches, and some have read books and attended workshops and events. However, none are 100% clear about what their ideal work is, OR, how to manifest their ideal work into their lives with more consistent fulfillment and success. 
  2. My clients understand the necessity of investing in themselves and their growth, using time, energy, and money. They realize they might be able to make the transformation themselves, but know it would take MUCH more time, struggle, money in the long run, and lost opportunities. 
  3. My clients are done playing small and being stuck. They don’t want to waste any more time, they’re tired of hoping for change, tired of waiting for something to be different, and tired of hoping someone else will do it for them. They now understand they must take action and sometimes STEP OFF THE CLIFF, TRUSTING THEIR WINGS WILL GROW ON THE WAY DOWN. 
  4. My clients want to experience abundance in all forms, including financial abundance. They understand that the more money they make, the more people they can help, and the bigger difference they can make in the world. They believe that God/Source/Spirit/The Universe wants everyone to be abundant by helping others through their unique and meaningful purpose. 
  5. My clients are honest, vulnerable, and fun. They often become my friends. They know I can’t help them if they aren’t open and truthful with me. They are hard workers, and they trust me, even when they may not understand the process. I am honored to work with them, blessed to positively impact their transformation, and love them deeply.


Does this description of my clients sound good to you? Fair? Can you resonate with it?
Awesome! Then go back to the Discovery Session page and let’s get started!

With love and purpose,


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